Originally established in 1952 as the New Mexico Water Well Contractors Association, the Association has evolved to become the New Mexico Ground Water Association to encompass all aspects of the industry to include Contractors (Drillers & Pump Installers), Suppliers, Manufacturers, Technical (Scientists) and Associates (those with an interest that don’t fall under one of these categories).
Activities of the Association pivot around providing support for our members through Continuing Education not only for licensing requirements but to also improve their knowledge in ground water protection, business ethics and evolving industry techniques. The NMGWA also works diligently to maintain a Legislative Lobbyist to protect our industry and well owners from frivolous legislation that could have drastic results. The NMGWA works to maintain a relationship with the Office of the State Engineer and other governmental agencies to provide the practical knowledge and experience that our members have gained over the years.
This experience also plays an important role with our lobbying efforts and being able to properly inform lawmakers about the issues facing the industry and property owners.
The New Mexico Ground Water Association Buck Lively Scholarship program awards yearly scholarships to children, grandchildren and spouses of NMGWA members. Members of the Association have worked hard over the years to get the program to a point where it will be strong and viable for years to come.
The NMGWA publishes a newsletter, The Driller, that is mailed to members as well as non-members engaged in the ground water industry in New Mexico to keep them up to date on issues facing the industry.
The NMGWA is a 501(c)6 Non-Profit Orgwith political expenditures. As such Member Dues and Donations are not tax deductible.